
Space Shuttle Discovery's final landing (video)

Xeni Jardin at 11:51 am Tuesday, Apr 17

As Rob noted earlier today, Space Shuttle Discovery piggybacked in flight this morning to its final resting place, at the National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center. Here is video of the shuttle arriving in Washington, DC.

Space reporter Miles O'Brien was at Kennedy Space Center this morning for the final departure.

NASA has a Flickr pool where folks along the flight path have posted flyover shots. And there are some great "citizen photographer" shots of the DC descent from various POVs here. NASM's own Isabel Lara was wowed at the landing site:

It's a bittersweet day for space fans. Private space exploration continues from KSC coach outlet, with a planned rocket launch from SpaceX later this month. But with Discovery's final journey coach outlet, a great era in manned space flight truly feels over.


