
How to Rock the Polka Dots Trend This Winter

How to Rock the Polka Dots Trend This Winter

How to wear polka dots in winter (Source: Style.com | Jaeger London, House of Holland, Dolce & Gabbana, Marni)

Listen up, all you Minnie Mouses and vintage vixens- polka dots are back! And they’re going to be hot well into spring, so stock up on this pretty print now. Not sure if polka dots are right for you? Or unsure of how to wear them? Well stop your worrying friends, I’m here to straighten you out and show you the bauble-paved way.

While we’ve featured tips on wearing polka dots before, today I’m gonna show you how to wear them for the cold months ahead Louis Vuitton Official Website! Whether we’re talking teeny tiny spots or gigantinc orbs Coach Factory Outlet Otore, read on to figure out how you can wear polka dots during the day, night, or in between this winter.

How to Rock Polka Dots on Campus

How to rock polka dots on campus
(Blouse, Shoes, Cardigan, Jeans, Scarf, Coat, Hat)

Your on-campus wardrobe should be three things: layerable, fashionable, and most importantly comfortable. And that is exactly what comes to mind when I look at this outfit.

To start off the look, I found the greatest polka dot cardigan in the world – in two equally gorgeous shades. Since gray and black are neutrals, you can match either cardigan with practically anything! Blues, browns, greens, reds- whatever color you want, pair them with polka dots and you can’t go wrong.

To add said color, I picked out a beautiful green blouse and paired it with some seriously comfortable jean-leggings (aka jeggings -I love these!). For your feet, I found a great pair of brown oxfords, and finally for your neck, I found an autumnal orange scarf to keep you warm. Lastly, I picked out a cute puff ball beanie and toggle coat to wear on top for extra protection from the winter winds.

How to Rock Polka Dots on a Date

How to wear polka dots on a date
(Headband Coach Outlet Store, Cardigan, Shoes, Tank, Skirt, Green Cardigan, Coat)

In my humble opinion, polka dots are the perfect date night pattern. They exude a certain classy-yet-flirty girlyness that’s never over-the-top. Anywho Coach Factory Outlet Store Onlin, to get this look, I first picked out a soft yellow tank top and paired it with a super cute polka dot skirt. Depending on the weather and time of day, it may be cold, so I also found a sheer dandelion yellow cardigan to wear over your shoulders indoors.

Still cold? Pop on a faux fur trimmed cardigan, and for even more warmth, throw on a white coat like the one I chose. To up the cuteness factor, I also added some adorable tassled saddle shoes. Finally, to complete the look, I found this wonderfully dreamy floral headband that you can wear traditionally or hippie-esque around your forehead – your choice!

Overall, this look is flawless, and a surefire way to show your suitor that you’re the perfect blend of sugar and sass.

How to Rock Polka Dots for Nights Out

How to wear polka dots for a night out
(Dress coach handbags uk outlet, Jacket, Heels, Tights, Scarf)

If you thought polka dots were too cutesy for a night out, you have another think coming! Despite their flirty demeanor, these pearly white dots can be just as sexy as lace.

A great example of a sexy way to wear polka dots is this navy blue cutout dress. It hugs your curves in all the right ways, and shows off your back! The cut of the dress gives off an edgy fashion-forward look to offset the classic pattern. I added even more edge by pairing it with two classic pieces: a rocker-chic leather jacket and a pair of black round toe pumps. If you’re facing colder weather, I suggest pairing this outfit with one or two layers of tights as well as some sweaters or cardigans under a leather jacket – but for my example I tried to keep it simple.

Strut your stuff with the jacket on or just casually thrown over your shoulders; either way, you’ll be sure to turn heads.


Do you guys like the polka dot trend? Or is it too old school for you? Will you be wearing it this season, or ?are you going to pass? How do you like the outfits I put together? Which one was your favorite? Whatever your thoughts let me know in the comments!

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